Many of these coworking spaces are still largely male-dominated and do not always cater to the needs of the modern working woman.
Three new women’s coworking spaces are seeking to bridge this gap in accommodation, fostering empowering communities of women through their uniquely tailored offerings and custom-designed spaces.
Where: RiNoOpening:TBA. The Lowdown: With their spaces popping up all across the United States from Seattle to Austin, The Riveter team is excited to be gearing up to launch their community in Denver.
After leaving a successful career as a lawyer when pregnant with her second daughter, Nelson ended up at a variety of coworking spaces but found them to have an “Overly masculine” feeling to them in that they did not provide the right tools or connects that she, as a woman, needed to succeed.
As she began to work on the Charley Co. space, she met with the women of Denver and directly crowdsourced information on what they wanted to see in a coworking space.
This space was crafted by women of Denver for women of Denver.
Some of the specialized services offered at RISE not found in regular coworking spaces include mother’s rooms and weekly networking or educational events.